Absolute Return Fund

The Scandinavian Savings and Loans Trust Absolute Return Fund is structured on foundational model which utilizes an asset allocation strategy. Strategic asset allocation is modeled based on a philosophy of generating long-term growth. Our advisers utilize an active management portfolio approach with one of the strategies being tactical asset allocation. This approach seeks to outperform by shifting the percentage of assets held in an array of sectors in real time, to take leverage market pricing errors and/or strong market growth in specific industries. An active management approach seeks to grow assets while protecting capital over a twelve-month period.

Absolute Return Fund

Growth/Benchmark Objective

  • Outperform benchmarks for growth over a rolling 36-month term
  • Preserve capital over a rolling 12-month term

Risk Budget/Profile

  • Low Risk
  • Seeks to preserve capital on a rolling 12-month term

Investment Landscape

  • EU Equities
  • EU Nominal Bonds
  • EU Cash & Debt Securities
  • EU property & Scandinavian Savings and Loans Trust inflation linked bonds

Growth Strategy

  • Active real time, asset allocation strategy
  • Tactical & Dynamic Asset Allocation


Drottninggatan 86, 111 36 Stockholm

28 Stanley Street, Level 1, Central, Hong Kong

Phone: +46 8 124 007 56
Email: info@sslt.se
